Why Shakespeare is still relevant to `Young People


Shakespeare is an amazing writer. His stories are fun to read and you can find them in many different forms today. He was the most popular playwright of his time and he is still very famous today! Shakespeare changed the way people speak and write today because he made up so many new words when he wrote his stories, plays, and poems.

There are many versions of his plays and stories you may be familiar with, like Lion King and Ten Things I Hate About You.

There are many versions of his plays and stories you may be familiar with, like Lion King and Ten Things I Hate About You. His work has been adapted for film, TV, and theatre as well as children and young people. It's also been adapted for adults who want to see a modern version of one of his stories or plays. Shakespeare's work has even been adapted for different cultures around the world!

His plays retell stories we still tell today, but he told them first.

As you'll see in the examples below, Shakespeare's plays are still relevant to modern audiences. They tell stories that we still tell today, but he told them first.

  • Romeo and Juliet: The tragic love story of two teens from feuding families has been adapted many times over the years, including a 1996 film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. In this version, the two meet when Romeo goes to the Capulets' ball with Benvolio (his best friend), where he sees Juliet for the first time and falls instantly in love with her. Later on in their relationship, they have a brief break-up when Romeo hears rumors about his friend Mercutio being killed by Tybalt; however, they reconcile before Romeo dies from wounds inflicted by his dagger while trying to save Juliet from committing suicide after learning she was pregnant with his child!

  • Othello: Shakespeare's tragedy is one of most famous stories ever told—and yet we still see adaptations today! In 2016's film "O" starring Kenneth Branagh as director/actor/producer Kenneth Branagh who played Iago alongside David Oyelowo (Othello), Michael Fassbender (Cassio) and Chiwetel Ejiofor (Bassanio). It follows an adaptation of William Shakespeare's play "Othello". The story centers around General Othello who serves under Venice’s governor Brabantio until he meets Desdemona who falls instantly in love with him; however upon finding out about their impending marriage Brabantio tries everything possible--even hiring Iago to take care of this issue--to stop them from tying together forever by having Desdemona killed!"

There is a modern translation of Shakespeare’s works! These are written in today’s language so you can understand the story better.

Shakespeare’s works are written in old English, which can be hard to understand. Luckily there is a modern translation of Shakespeare's works! These are written in today’s language so you can understand the story better.

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Shakespeare wrote plays and stories to tell people truths about life. He shows you that nothing ever stays the same and everything changes in life.

Shakespeare wrote plays and stories to tell people truths about life. He shows you that nothing ever stays the same and everything changes in life. It might be better or worse, but it will always change. Shakespeare’s plays are timeless, because they are about the human condition and how people deal with love, hate, war, peace and death.

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Everyone can enjoy Shakespeare’s work!

It's no secret that Shakespeare has been a hugely influential writer and performer throughout history. But many people think that his work is too difficult to understand or appreciate, and therefore dismiss it as irrelevant to young people. They couldn't be more wrong!

Here are some reasons why you should revisit Shakespeare's work:

  • His plays are still popular today. They're performed all over the world in various languages, including English and Spanish (Hamlet en español!). In fact, newly translated versions of some of his best-loved plays are still being written about today!

  • There are also tons of books available that analyze his works from different perspectives. For example, if you want a literary analysis from an expert who has spent years studying Shakespeare's work—and how it relates to what we know about life today—check out Stephen Greenblatt's Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare.*

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If you think Shakespeare is boring because his plays are too hard to read and understand, then try reading one of the modern versions. You can find them at any library or bookshop. If you want to enjoy watching his plays, there are many movies based on his stories that you can watch. So if you feel like taking a break from your usual shows and movies, watch something different! It may help you think about life in a new way!